How to download your stock list an as Excel
- Head to manage stock.
- Click "Download Stock"
- Open the stock Excel spreadsheet.
- Changes product descriptions, prices and QTYs etc.
- Save the Excel.
- Re-upload the Excel spreadsheet with the changes you have made.
- Important
- You cannot add new columns to the spreadsheet.
- You cannot change the column titles in the spreadsheet.
- Only update the columns:
- category
- name
- quantity
- rate
- load_priority
- weight_in_kg
- Do not change stock ids.
- Do not change descriptions of products to something new. For example, changing a "chair" to a "table". If you do this your previous quotes and bookings which had "chairs", will now have "tables", very confusing!
- When you upload a new stock spreadsheet, ensure you are uploading the most recent saved version. If you upload a spreadsheet that you created 2 weeks ago, your stock list will update with the changes you made 2 weeks ago (as you will have uploaded an old file).
- Best practices. When you have uploaded a new spreadsheet to make the changes, delete the spreadsheets from your computer. If you need to make further changes, repeat these steps and download a new spreadsheet from manage stock.
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