Inventory / Stock Management
- Turning an existing flooring / lining product into a 'sectional' flooring / lining product.
- 🎥 How to add missing stock items to your system | Adding new products (stock items)
- Changing the product quantity (stock item).
- Changing the product rate
- 🎥 Changing a product category
- Creating a new product category
- Changing the product description
- Archive/delete a stock item
- 🎥 Adding images to stock items | How to upload images to stock items / rental items
- 🎥 Flagging a product as sub-hired
- 🎥 How to find a stock item
- 🎥 Adding dimensions to dance floors, tables and other products via the bulk stock manager.
- Bulk adding dimensions to dance floors, tables and other products via the stock Excel sheet
- Downloading your stock list excel and making changes
- How is stock/inventory Managed | How is stock/inventory Reserved | How is stock/inventory Confirmed
- Stock Warnings Explained