If you want to set up online card payments for your invoices, this is the information we will need.
Note: We may also need proof of ID (passport/driver's license) and proof of address (utility bill, rent etc)
Company Details.
Registered Company Name:
Business Address - Line 1:
Business Address - City:
Business Address - Post/Zip Code:
Company Number:
Business Owner Details.
Owner/Director/President - First Name:
Owner/Director/President - Last Name:
Owner/Director/President - Date of Birth:
Owner/Director/President - Email:
Owner/Director/President - Phone Number:
Owner/Director/President - Line 1:
Owner/Director/President - City:
Owner/Director/President - Post/Zip Code:
Bank Details
- Bank account details depend on your country. See more below.
Country Bank Account Info Example Data Australia AU BSB 123456 (6 characters) Australia AU Account number 12345678 (5-9 characters) Canada CA Transit number 12345 Canada CA Institution number 678 Canada CA Account number Format varies by bank Ireland IE IBAN IE29AIBK93115212345678 (22 characters)New Zealand NZ Account number AABBBB3456789YZZ (15-16 digits) United Kingdom GB Sort Code 12-34-56 United Kingdom GB Account number 1234567 United States US Routing Number 111000000 (9 characters) United States US Account number Format varies by bank
Transaction Fees:
Like all online card systems, there are transaction fees.
UK - 2.4-2.9%
NZ - 3.7%
AUS - 2.75%
USA/Canada - 3.9%
Europe (euro) - 2.4%
Payment info:
- The payment takes on average 3-5 working days to reach your bank account.
- The first payment normally takes longer than this as it has to go through fraud checks
- We can turn online payments on and off for your account. At the moment, we cannot turn off online payments for a specific invoice.
- The data from our system shows that businesses accepting credit card fees both increase their sales conversion ratio and are paid faster.
Bank account details (rest of world)
Country | Bank Account Info | Example Data |
Austria AT | IBAN | AT611904300234573201 |
Belgium BE | IBAN | BE12345678912345 |
Bulgaria BG | IBAN | BG80BNBG96611020345678 (22 characters) |
Brazil BR | Bank code | 123 (3 characters) |
Brazil BR | Branch code | 4567 (4 characters, with 1 optional check digit) |
Brazil BR | Account number | Format varies by bank |
Cyprus CY | IBAN | CY17002001280000001200527600 (28 characters) |
Czech Republic CZ | IBAN | CZ6508000000192000145399 (24 characters) |
Denmark DK | IBAN | DK5000400440116243 |
Estonia EE | IBAN | EE382200221020145685 (20 characters) |
Finland FI | IBAN | FI2112345600000785 |
France FR | IBAN | FR1420041010050500013M02606 (27 characters) |
Germany DE | IBAN | DE89370400440532013000 (22 characters) |
Gibraltar GI | IBAN | GI75NWBK000000007099453 (23 characters) |
Greece GR | IBAN | GR1601101250000000012300695 (27 characters) |
Hong Kong HK | Clearing Code | 123 (3 characters) |
Hong Kong HK | Branch code | 456 (3 characters) |
Hong Kong HK | Account number | 123456-789 (6-9 characters) |
Hungary HU | IBAN | HU42117730161111101800000000(28 characters) |
India IN | IFSC Code | HDFC0004051 (11 characters) |
India IN | Account number | Format varies by bank |
Italy IT | IBAN | IT60X0542811101000000123456 (27 characters) |
Japan JP | Bank name | いろは銀行 |
Japan JP | Branch name | 東京支店 |
Japan JP | Bank code | 0123 (4 characters) |
Japan JP | Branch code | 456 (3 characters) |
Japan JP | Account number | 1234567 (7-8 characters) |
Japan JP | Account owner name | ヤマダハナコ |
Latvia LV | IBAN | LV80BANK0000435195001 (21 characters) |
Lithuania LT | IBAN | LI21088100002324013AA (21 characters) |
Luxembourg LU | IBAN | LU280019400644750000 (20 characters) |
Liechtenstein LI | IBAN | LI21088100002324013AA (21 characters) |
Malaysia MY | Account number | 1234567890 (5-17 digits, format varies by bank) |
Malta MT | IBAN | MT84MALT011000012345MTLCAST001S (31 characters) |
Mexico MX | CLABE | 123456789012345678 (18 characters) |
Netherlands NL | IBAN | NL39RABO0300065264 (18 characters) |
Norway NO | IBAN | NO9386011117947 (15 characters) |
Poland PL | IBAN | PL61109010140000071219812874 (28 characters) |
Portugal PT | IBAN | PT50123443211234567890172 (25 characters) |
Romania RO | IBAN | RO49AAAA1B31007593840000 (24 characters) |
Singapore SG | Bank code | 1234 |
Singapore SG | Branch code | 567 |
Singapore SG | Account number | 1234567890123456789 (6-19 characters) |
Slovakia SK | IBAN | SK3112000000198742637541 (24 characters) |
Slovenia SI | IBAN | SI56263300012039086 (19 characters) |
Spain ES | IBAN | ES9121000418450200051332 (24 characters) |
Sweden SE | IBAN | SE3550000000054910000003 (24 characters) |
Switzerland CH | IBAN | CH9300762011623852957 (21 characters) |
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