If you want to set up online card payments for your invoices, this is the information we will need.
Note: We may also need proof of ID (passport/driver's license) and proof of address (utility bill, rent etc)
Company Details.
Registered Company Name:
Business Address - Line 1:
Business Address - City:
Business Address - Post/Zip Code:
Company Number:
Business Owner Details.
Owner/Director/President - First Name:
Owner/Director/President - Last Name:
Owner/Director/President - Date of Birth:
Owner/Director/President - Email:
Owner/Director/President - Phone Number:
Owner/Director/President - Line 1:
Owner/Director/President - City:
Owner/Director/President - Post/Zip Code:
Bank Details
- Bank account details depend on your country. See more below.
Country Bank Account Info Example Data Australia AU BSB 123456 (6 characters) Australia AU Account number 12345678 (5-9 characters) Canada CA Transit number 12345 Canada CA Institution number 678 Canada CA Account number Format varies by bank Ireland IE IBAN IE29AIBK93115212345678 (22 characters)New Zealand NZ Account number AABBBB3456789YZZ (15-16 digits) United Kingdom GB Sort Code 12-34-56 United Kingdom GB Account number 1234567 United States US Routing Number 111000000 (9 characters) United States US Account number Format varies by bank
Transaction Fees:
Like all online card systems, there are transaction fees.
UK - 2.4-2.9%
NZ - 3.7%
AUS - 2.75%
USA/Canada - 3.9%
Europe (euro) - 2.4%
Payment info:
- The payment takes on average 3-5 working days to reach your bank account.
- The first payment normally takes longer than this as it has to go through fraud checks
- We can turn online payments on and off for your account. At the moment, we cannot turn off online payments for a specific invoice.
- The data from our system shows that businesses accepting credit card fees both increase their sales conversion ratio and are paid faster.
- You will see a transaction fee & merchant fee. The transaction fee covers the Stripe costs, and the merchant fee covers our costs from Stripe. Check out this article if you'd like to pass the fees on to the clients.
Bank account details (rest of world)
Country | Bank Account Info | Example Data |
Austria AT | IBAN | AT611904300234573201 |
Belgium BE | IBAN | BE12345678912345 |
Bulgaria BG | IBAN | BG80BNBG96611020345678 (22 characters) |
Brazil BR | Bank code | 123 (3 characters) |
Brazil BR | Branch code | 4567 (4 characters, with 1 optional check digit) |
Brazil BR | Account number | Format varies by bank |
Cyprus CY | IBAN | CY17002001280000001200527600 (28 characters) |
Czech Republic CZ | IBAN | CZ6508000000192000145399 (24 characters) |
Denmark DK | IBAN | DK5000400440116243 |
Estonia EE | IBAN | EE382200221020145685 (20 characters) |
Finland FI | IBAN | FI2112345600000785 |
France FR | IBAN | FR1420041010050500013M02606 (27 characters) |
Germany DE | IBAN | DE89370400440532013000 (22 characters) |
Gibraltar GI | IBAN | GI75NWBK000000007099453 (23 characters) |
Greece GR | IBAN | GR1601101250000000012300695 (27 characters) |
Hong Kong HK | Clearing Code | 123 (3 characters) |
Hong Kong HK | Branch code | 456 (3 characters) |
Hong Kong HK | Account number | 123456-789 (6-9 characters) |
Hungary HU | IBAN | HU42117730161111101800000000(28 characters) |
India IN | IFSC Code | HDFC0004051 (11 characters) |
India IN | Account number | Format varies by bank |
Italy IT | IBAN | IT60X0542811101000000123456 (27 characters) |
Japan JP | Bank name | いろは銀行 |
Japan JP | Branch name | 東京支店 |
Japan JP | Bank code | 0123 (4 characters) |
Japan JP | Branch code | 456 (3 characters) |
Japan JP | Account number | 1234567 (7-8 characters) |
Japan JP | Account owner name | ヤマダハナコ |
Latvia LV | IBAN | LV80BANK0000435195001 (21 characters) |
Lithuania LT | IBAN | LI21088100002324013AA (21 characters) |
Luxembourg LU | IBAN | LU280019400644750000 (20 characters) |
Liechtenstein LI | IBAN | LI21088100002324013AA (21 characters) |
Malaysia MY | Account number | 1234567890 (5-17 digits, format varies by bank) |
Malta MT | IBAN | MT84MALT011000012345MTLCAST001S (31 characters) |
Mexico MX | CLABE | 123456789012345678 (18 characters) |
Netherlands NL | IBAN | NL39RABO0300065264 (18 characters) |
Norway NO | IBAN | NO9386011117947 (15 characters) |
Poland PL | IBAN | PL61109010140000071219812874 (28 characters) |
Portugal PT | IBAN | PT50123443211234567890172 (25 characters) |
Romania RO | IBAN | RO49AAAA1B31007593840000 (24 characters) |
Singapore SG | Bank code | 1234 |
Singapore SG | Branch code | 567 |
Singapore SG | Account number | 1234567890123456789 (6-19 characters) |
Slovakia SK | IBAN | SK3112000000198742637541 (24 characters) |
Slovenia SI | IBAN | SI56263300012039086 (19 characters) |
Spain ES | IBAN | ES9121000418450200051332 (24 characters) |
Sweden SE | IBAN | SE3550000000054910000003 (24 characters) |
Switzerland CH | IBAN | CH9300762011623852957 (21 characters) |
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